About Branch 005


The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 005 Liberation of the Netherlands, is the only Branch in the Netherlands. Together with four Branches in Germany, she forms the RCL Zone Europe. Our members are from all parts of the Netherlands. While many have a military background, that is not necessary to become a member. Each member has a special connection with Canada and the Canadians, in one way or another. The most important thing is that everyone values the commemorations and promotes and supports the ceremonies.

The commemoration and remembrance of our Canadian liberators, as well as all of the other Allies, is a major binding factor in our country, likely because so many of them are buried in the Netherlands. By participating with the RCL Colour Party and/or an RCL delegation at commemoration ceremonies, we contribute to the memory of the fallen. Many, mostly young people made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, for our freedom.

Lest we forget!