Executive Board
RCL Liberation of the Netherlands Branch 005 is led by a board consisting of at least five and at most nine members. The following board members are elected by the General Members Meeting: The President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Liaison Officer.
Due to the special task and the required characteristics concerning the positions of Poppy Chairman, Sgt At Arms and Legal Officer, these positions are designated by a unanimous decision of the board. They participate in board meetings and decision-making issues. The Past President becomes this position automatically and directly to guarantee the continuity of the board and is therefore not elected. This person has always been the last sitting President before the current President took office. All board members act as Point of Contact for one or more working groups and/or participate in them.
email: info@rcl005.org

Wim Poppenk
The President leads the Branch and acts as chairman during board meetings and the General Members Meetings. He maintains external contacts both nationally and internationally and represents the Branch at commemorations, revelations and other ceremonial meetings. He develops initiatives that lead to the optimal functioning of the Branch and the mission for which it stands. He is Point of Contact on the board for the Education working group.
eMail: president-rcl005@rcl005.org
Immediate Past President
The last President automatically becomes Past President after his retirement. This ensures continuity to the new board. The Past President is asked to be present at the board meetings and advises the current board, solicited and unsolicited. He also acts as "Installing Officer" for the installation of new members.
eMail: pastpresident@rcl005.org

Gerrit Bruggink
1st Vice President
The First Vice President acts as a substitute for the President in their absence. He seconds the President maintaining external contacts (PR&Publicity) He is also esponsible for granting Legion Awards and is responsible as Chairman Membership for the recruitment of members. He is a Project Manager for special projects, such as the national Poppy Campaign and works together with the Poppy Chairman. He acts as the Point of Contact on the board for the ICT / Social Media working groups and the Newsletter.
eMail: 1st-vicepresident@rcl005.org

Don Paauwe
2nd Vice President
The Second Vice President is Project Manager for special projects and supports the other board members at moments of peak loads. He supports the President in maintaining external contacts. He is also Point of Contact in the board for the Memorial and Remembrance working group and responsible for issuing information (queries) about ceremonies.
eMail: 2nd-vicepresident@rcl005.org

Peter Mensink
The Secretary carries out all secretarial activities such as handling the mail through all media, drawing up the agenda and taking minutes of Board and General Meetings. He is responsible for recording and maintaining changes in contracts and in the membership administration. He provides RCL Zone Europe and RCL Dominion Command with (un) requested information. The Secretary maintains contacts in the administrative and organizational area and ensures timely processing.
eMail: secretary@rcl005.org

Amanda Slotboom
The Treasurer manages the financial resources of the Branch and maintains the financial part of the membership administration. The Treasurer is accountable to the General Members Meeting on behalf of the board. The Branch store is also her responsibility. She is active in fundraising for the Branch. The Treasurer is Point of Contact on the board for the Sponsoring / Relationships and Internal Rules of the Branch working groups. The Treasurer is also Point of Contact on the board for the PR (Promotion tent) group.
eMail: treasurer@rcl005.org

Yvonne Swarthoff - Klein Beekman
Liaison Officer
The Liaison Officer helps organizing social events (such as the New Year's reception and Canada Day) and acts as a liaison to our clubhouse Restaurant Mondani in Lochem. The Liaison Officer also manages the flags and associated equipment that are used by the participants in the Colour Party. She is responsible to always keep these equipment in perfect condition. The Liaison Officer is the Point of Contact on the board for the Social Events working group.
eMail: liaisonofficer@rcl005.org

Toon van Bussel
Sergeant at Arms
The position of Sgt at Arms is a position appointed by the board. This function requires special skills. The position is reappointed upon the reinstallation of a new board. The Sgt at Arms leads the Colour Party with a Branch related deployment. In his absence, he must point out a substitute Sgt at Arms or Colour Sgt. In cooperation with the RCL Zone Europe Sgt at Arms, the Branch 005 Sgt at Arms ensures the deployment of RCL Branch 005 members in an RCL Zone Europe related deployment of the Colour Party. The Sgt at Arms of RCL 005 establishes contact and maintains this contact with responsible organizations regarding the deployment at the various ceremonies. In addition, he is responsible for the presence of required materials of the Colour Party in case of a ceremony such as flags / banners with associated attributes and wreath s) if required. He provides the participating members with the most up-to-date information about the ceremony in advance.
eMail: sgtatarms@rcl005.org

Richard Hendriks
Poppy Chairman
The position of Poppy Chairman is an appointed function by the board. This position requires special skills. The position is reappointed upon the reinstallation of a new board. The Poppy Chairman is chairman of the working group Poppy Campaign the Netherlands and manages it. He is responsible for the organization and implementation of various Poppy events. He is responsible for reporting on the Poppy Campaign activities for the management, the GMM and financial managers. The Chairman works closely with the First Vice President in the field of the annual Poppy Campaign. He is Point of Contact on the board for the Poppy Campaign working group.
eMail: poppychairman@rcl005.org

Jan van Loo
Legal Officer
The position of Legal Officer is an appointed function by the board. This position requires special skills in the legal field. The Legal Officer is present at the board meetings and provides solicited and unsolicited advice to the current board. He is responsible for drafting and / or reviewing legal documents such as contracts. In addition, the Legal Officer mediates if disputes arise with members and / or external parties.
eMail: legal@rcl005.org