History Branch 005

Following a request from Andy Andrews, the then-Royal Canadian Legion Zone Commander of Zone Germany, a zone meeting took place on August 24, 2003; thus establishing the formation of Royal Canadian Legion, Liberation of the Netherlands Branch 005. At this inaugural meeting held at the Buitensocieteit in the City of Apeldoorn, many dignitaries were present, including the Canadian Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr. Serge April, the Mayor of Apeldoorn, Mr. Fred de Graaf, and Lt-Gen. b.d. Mr. Gijsbers AWT, and from Germany, Zone Commander Andy Andrews and Deputy Commander Reg Bonnar.

Thirty five attendees were sworn in as members of the new Branch and were awarded their RCL pin by the Zone Commander. Subsequently, the first executive board was elected. Shortly afterwards the official Royal Canadian Legion Charter arrived from Ottawa. The Charter represents the legitimacy of the Branch issued by the highest executive body of the Royal Canadian Legion in Ottawa and is accompanied by the Royal Statutes and Regulations.

Royal Canadian Legion Liberation of the Netherlands Branch 005 aims to act as representatives of the Royal Canadian Legion in The Netherlands and to uphold the traditions of the Legion.