
10 Membersship

The Royal Canadian Legion welcomes all to become members, with or without a military or Canadian background. The RCL acknowledges three different forms of membership: the ‘ordinary’ member, the ‘associate’ member and the ‘affiliate’ member. In practice, there are no any visible difference between these three forms of membership.

Annual dues are €40 and the installation of new members is held during the annual general members meeting.

All members receive a membership card, a Legion Magazine from Canada every three months, and a newsletter from the Branch every four months.

We are a small but very enthusiastic group of about 60 members who wish nothing more than to fulfill the Royal Canadian Legion mission statement and keep our Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion strong and vibrant. Therefore at present, we seek new members. If you become interested and agree that the memory of Canadian sacrifices here in The Netherlands must never be forgotten, then you may consider becoming a member of our Branch. Anyone interested in the deeper meaning of what we do, who is wishing further information or is contemplating becoming a member is invited to contact us. We look forward in hearing from you.

If you wish further information about the Royal Canadian Legion Liberation of the Netherlands Branch 005, or would like to receive a membership application form please contact one of our Board Members via:

Or fill in the contact form below: