Jubilee Year 2015
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 005 ”The Liberation of The Netherlands” acts as contact- and information point for the Jubilee Year 2015: “70 years of Liberation of the Netherlands”. It is particularly important this year for our allied liberators. In the Netherlands, the commemorations at the War Cemeteries of Groesbeek and Holten, the large events like the liberation parade on May 5 in Wageningen and the final liberation event in Apeldoorn on May 9 will have many attention. But there are also many other organizations in the Netherlands involved in the events in this “Crown Year”. It will indeed be the last time that the liberation of the Netherlands with our liberators will be celebrated in this format. RCL005 will of course continue the thoughts stated in her mission: “We will never forget”. In the (Google) calendar of RCL005 are the activities in which RCL005 itself takes part and/or is present with a Colour Party. There are of course more activities regarding the liberation of the Netherlands. If you have questions or are looking for something specific? Please contact us. That is possible through our contact page on our website. You are able to ask all questions regarding the Jubilee Year 2015. We will send you a reply as soon as possible. Please add the subject line ”Jubilee 2015″ to your questions.
May 2015
Meanwhile a busy period of the Jubilee Year has passed. The beginning of May always is the period war victims are commemorated, but also the liberation of our country is celebrated. In previous years RCL005 has begun with the preparation of the events of the Jubilee Year. Every time the goals of the RCL-organisation were observed:
- Remembrance and commemoration of fallen Canadians for the Liberation of the Netherlands;
- Acting as a single point of contact for Canadian veterans and their family who are willing to visit the war cemeteries and memorials in the Netherlands;
- Ensuring the legacy of Thank You Canada and Allied Forces (TYCAF) for the Jubilee Year;
- The propagation of knowledge to anyone who requests, particularly by communicating to young people, because freedom is not for granted;
- Maintain and strengthen Canadian contacts to preserve the principles of RCL005 to the future;
- Maintain, enhance and where required act as a source of information for organizations in the Netherlands, dealing with the guidance of Canadian veterans, monuments to commemorate deceased Canadians and / or be part of the performance of commemorations.
In the past period of time, mainly for the Jubilee Year of course, many contact moments were established with the Canadian Embassy in the Netherlands, Veterans Affairs Canada, the Dutch Embassy in Canada, the Liberation committee in Toronto, the writer of Legion Magazine, numerous liberation comités and local mayors in the Netherlands, such as in Groningen, Apeldoorn, Holten, Groesbeek, Bergen op Zoom, Doetinchem, etc. but also smaller communities such as Etten, Posterenk, Diever, Haskerhorne, Markelo, Lochem and Netterden. Also there has been accomplished a co-operation with organisations like the Royal Dutch Air Force, Liberation Route Europe and Touroperators.
This all with regards to the future: How will remembrance and commemorations of freedom develop and remains in the future. For one thing is for sure: Our liberators don’t live eternally. RCL005 has already addressed conversations with several stakeholders, but with pleasure invites organizations to participate to exchange ideas and make plans. To be noted: RCL005, the Liberation of the Netherlands, will always stand behind its principles.
All this took a great effort in preparations, but also a claim on financial resources. As a volunteer organisation RCL005 lacks the necessary funds, but thanks to (regular) sponsors, fundraising, the integration of TYCAF, the subsidy of vfonds and the work of many volunteers, there has been achieved a balanced budget for 2015. On behalf of the Board of RCL005: Thank you! We are confident the resources will maintain available for future activities.
Would you like to read the reports of the activities or see more pictures of the events RCL005 was involved in during the liberation period? Please visit:
RCL005 Photo albums
RCL005 Reports (under events)
Our activities for the Jubilee Year 2015 are sponsored by the vfonds with funds from the National Postcode Lottery and BankGiro Lottery. Your participation in this lottery is therefore recommended.