In Memoriam R.P.F. (Remco) Seijn

In Memoriam

Remco Seijn

R.P.F. (Remco) Seijn
Lieutenant-General (retired) and former Chairman of the Foundation Bevrijding45

Dordrecht Sept 30, 1948 – Portugal Sept 27, 2015

With great sadness we inform you that the (former) President of the Foundation Bevrijding45 Lt. Gen. (retired) has passed away last night.

We have taken note with great dismay of the totally unexpected death of Remco. For years he worked together with RCL005 with great care and passion on many projects in Apeldoorn and Gelderland, in which the commemorations to the Canadian veterans and the liberation of Apeldoorn by the Canadian troops always had his special attention. Many examples are available. To mention a few: the annual Remembrance Day at the monument “the man with the two hats” in Apeldoorn, but also organizing the return of the many Canadian veterans to the Netherlands during the Jubilee years. He opposed especially in 2015 against the altered (route)plans of the town council of Apeldoorn.

Remco Seijn was an extremely amiable, friendly and dedicated person who was very concerned to all veterans, but Canadians in particular. Remco was a people person you could always count upon.


Monday, September 28, 2015