In the week of last 17-25 January the project team of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) visited the Netherlands to get a picture of and to make arrangements with the various locations that will be visited by Canadian veterans in May this year. A major topic in the discussions came up every time: how many veterans are involved? Where will they be housed? And at what commemorations and ceremonies will they be present. Another important question: which guests will be present from the Netherlands and Canada.
At the instigation of the Canadian Embassy in the Netherlands RCL Branch 005 will operate as a single point of contact between the Canadian government and the Dutch organizations on providing and structuring the information. After a plenary meeting on 19 January in Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen in which many parties were present, members of VAC visited the various memorial sites in the Netherlands.
In early February a website of VAC will be launched, which gives information about the anniversary program 2015 and where veterans can register so that they can rely on support by the Canadian government in May. Of course this information will also be accessible via the RCL 005 website.